Archive | Endurance Today

9. Mongol Derby 2017

36 competitors from around the world tackle the 9th Mongol Derby: the world’s longest horse race “What better way to test yourself than through a tough endurance race that immerses you in a unique culture and takes you to Mongolia, the spiritual home of equestrianism.” Mongol Derby competitor 2017   This is […]

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What actually is ‚Fair-Endurance‘ ?

Personally, I associate the word ‚fairness‘ with terms such as ‚èqual opportunity‘, ‚equality‘, ‚honesty‘, ‚using honest means‘ or ‚justice‘. ‚Fair -Endurance ‚– sounds to me like ‚honest, clean endurance sport‘. To me, the name ‚Fair Endurance‘ has, up to now, had a positve ring to it, which has unfortunately been lost. This name is a […]

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WEG in Tyron

Breaking news Word Equestrian Games 2018 to be held in Tryon, North Carolina (USA). Spectacular venue from 10 to 23 September 2018. Climatic conditions, existing infrastructure and horse welfare perspective favour choice. Excellent facilities for athletes (8 disciplines) and spectators.

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Endurance today goes international! Unter der Domain oder erreichen uns ab sofort Distanzreiter aus aller Welt. Neben der Berichterstattung über nationale Ritte und Themen wird in Zukunft zusätzlich in englischer Sprache Beiträge über bedeutende internationale Ereignisse im Distanzreitsport begleiten und kommentieren. Diese werden über eine zusätzliche neue Facebook-Seite verbreitet. Endurance today vertritt eine positive Grundeinstellung […]

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