
Es gibt von der FEI ein „Regelwerk Distanzreiten 2016„, das kannst Du hier runterladen. Dort stehen auf Seite 46 die „Clarification of Elimination Codes“

WD: Withdrawn

  • The combination does not turn up at the Event
  • The combination decides not to participate prior to the 1st Veterinary Inspection.

RET: Retired

  • The combination retires after successfully passing the 1st VeterinaryInspection.
  • The combination voluntarily retires after successfully passing the Vet Gate and has correctly finished all phases to that point.

(Ein eigenes Beenden des Rittes, nachdem die Untersuchung im Gate bestanden wurde)

DSQ: Disqualified

  • A reason must be chosen from the drop down list on FEI Forms.
  • Or a reason must be written in the “Post Complement Status Data” column.
  • A horse can be disqualified as well as eliminated for a medical reason.
  • Please Note: All reasons will be verified with the President of the Ground Jury.

FNR: Finished Not Ranked

  • Certificate of Completion (CoC) with approval from President of the Ground Jury/Technical Delegate

FTQ: Failed to Qualify – must be accompanied by one of the following:

  • GA oder LA: Irregular Gait (Lahmheit)
  • MI: Minor Injury (e.g. slight soreness, wound, etc.) (Pferd muss aus Verletzungsgrund den Ritt beenden)
  • CI: Catastrophic Injury (schwerwiegende Verletzung, wenn es den Tod des Pferdes zur Folge hat, z.B. Sturz mit Genickbruch oder Einschläfern)
  • ME: Metabolic (metabolisches Problem, z.B. Dehydrierung, Kaillar Zeiten)
  • ME TR: Metabolic INVASIVE treatment (Das Pferd muss aus metabolischen Gründen behandelt werden)
  • GA+ME: Irregular Gait and Metabolic
  • GA+ME TR: Irregular Gait and Metabolic with INVASIVE treatment
  • OT: Out of Time (zu langsam unterwegs oder zu lange Vet-In Zeit)
  • FTC: Failed to Complete